Issue - meetings

Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2013-18

Meeting: 16/10/2013 - Council (Item 302)

Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2013-18

Minute 260 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the Parks & Open Spaces Strategy 2013 – 2018 be formally adopted, and


(B)      the draft High Level Action Plan be agreed.

Meeting: 01/10/2013 - Executive (Item 260)

260 Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2013-18 pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report reviewing the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy and proposing a new Strategy for 2013 – 18.  She explained that the results and achievements against the existing Strategy had been considered by Environment Scrutiny Committee in September 2011, where it had been requested that a thorough review should be undertaken in order to update the Strategy. 


The Executive Member detailed the outcome of the public consultation in the report now submitted and thanked the friends groups whose role had been fundamental to the success of the Strategy.


Councillor M Newman commented on the need to ensure that small open spaces in villages did not get lost in the process and that parish councils should be encouraged to take on more responsibility.  The Executive Member responded by complimenting the many parish councils that managed open spaces and stating that dialogue with Officers was ongoing.  She also commented that some parish councils would have access to New Homes Bonus funds, which could be used to fund open spaces management.


The Executive supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the Parks & Open Spaces Strategy 2013 – 2018 be formally adopted, and


(B)      the draft High Level Action Plan be agreed.