Issue - meetings

Progress and implementation plan for changes to recycling services

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 235)

235 New Recycling Scheme – Removing Card from the Organic waste stream – Progress with Implementation pdf icon PDF 127 KB

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The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment submitted a report updating Members on the progress being made to change dry recycling collections to a dual stream system.


Members were reminded that in March 2013, Council had approved a scheme to change the current kerbside sorting of dry recyclables using boxes to a dual stream comingled system, with paper being kept separate in a box and all other dry recyclables placed in a third wheeled bin.

The Waste Services Manager advised that the primary motive was to enable cardboard to be moved from the organic waste stream into the dry recycling, as changing standards for compost quality meant it would be impossible for processors to meet the new standards with the level of coated card being collected.


Members were advised of progress regarding the delivery schedule for the new wheeled bins, as well as the publication and delivery of publicity advising residents of the new scheme. 


Officers would give a full briefing at Council on 16 October 2013, and Members would receive an information pack prior to the new service going live on 11 November 2013. 


The Waste Services Manager gave a presentation setting out the background, the benefits and the suggested timescales for the new recycling service, known as Separate Paper and Recycling Collections (SPARC).  The communication methods due to be used were also summarised for Members.


In response to a query from Councillor R Beeching, Members were advised that the collection of additional cardboard outside of the new wheeled bin was not possible as the new service and vehicles were bin based and all the comingled material needed to be contained in  the bin.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the progress in implementing the new recycling scheme be noted.