256 Annual Performance Report of South Anglia and Riversmead Housing Associations PDF 161 KB
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The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report on the progress made by the two large scale voluntary transfer housing associations on the three undertakings which remained following the end of the Delivery of Promises Programme 2007, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.
Councillor N Symonds expressed concern that South Anglia had not met its target on Aids and Adaptations for 2012/13. The Manager of Housing Services pointed out that some minor work such as grab rails could be carried out via tenant self-referral and would then be costed under the more general repairs budget rather than the specialist adaptations one.
Members considered how South Anglia could be encouraged to be more proactive in meeting its target on aids and adaptations. The Chief Executive and Director of Customer Services stated the Council did have Council Members who were Board Members and that this was an opportunity to express the Council’s concerns. This was supported.
Members received the performance report on Riversmead and South Anglia Housing Associations.
RESOLVED – that the report be received.