Issue - meetings

Council's Response to External Auditor's Recommendations

Meeting: 13/03/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 681)

681 Council's Response to Auditor's Recommendations Relating to an objection to the 2011/12 Accounts - Follow Up Actions pdf icon PDF 32 KB

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The Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report detailing the Council’s response to the External Auditors’ recommendations in relation to payments to Members for ICT expenses, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted. 


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services explained the background leading up to the administrative error and why monies which had been paid out, were now considered by the External Auditor to be unlawful and should be repaid to the Council.  The Director of Finance and Support Services proposed repayment schemes, for former Councillors, those who had resigned and those who were still current.  The repayment schemes had the support of the External Auditor.


In response to a query from Councillor J Wing, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community provided an update on the advice provided by the Independent Remuneration Panel regarding retrospective payments.


The Chairman suggested a phased approach in seeking repayment from former and current Councillors and that the sum of £15.81 be initially sought, followed by monthly repayments of £35.00.  The Chairman also suggested that if any former or current Member had difficulties in meeting this obligation, then they be asked to contact the Director of Finance and Support Services as soon as possible, who would be asked to reconsider the circumstances of individuals who had resigned in the current year, including the personal circumstances around three specific Members who had recently resigned.  This approach was supported.


RESOLVED – that (A) in seeking repayment from former and current Councillors, the sum of £15.81 be initially sought in May, followed by monthly repayments of £35.00; and


(B)   the Director of Finance and Support Services be requested to reconsider the circumstances of individuals who have resigned in the current year, including former or current Members should they experience difficulties in meeting the repayment obligation.