Issue - meetings

Draft 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement

Meeting: 10/07/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 112)

112 Draft Annual Governance Statement 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 35 KB

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The Leader of the Council submitted a report setting out proposals for taking forward the 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted, and supporting Essential Reference Paper.


The Chairman referred to an earlier discussion on risk in relation to damage to the Council’s reputation, specifically regarding the implementation of the District Plan which was progressing slowly, resulting in subsequent planning problems which had occurred in his ward.  The Chairman felt that this was creating a negative public perception which could damage the Council’s reputation.  The External Auditor agreed that should a risk be identified then that risk should be included within the risk register and that the Annual Governance Statement could also be used to move this forward.  Members supported this approach.


The Committee approved the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the proposed process for taking forward the 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement be approved; and

(B)       due consideration be given to reflecting the reputational risks identified through delays in implementing the District Plan both within the Annual Governance Statement and the Risk Register.