Issue - meetings

Recycling Options (Removing Cardboard from the Organic Waste Stream)

Meeting: 06/03/2013 - Council (Item 656)

Recycling Options (Removing Cardboard from the Organic Waste Stream)

Minute 630 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of Environment Scrutiny Committee be received;


(B)      the options and costs for addressing the issue with cardboard collection and increasing recycling collections in the context of Council’s environmental and financial objectives be noted;


(C)      Option 5 (part-commingled collections with an inner basket being supplied on an “opt-in” basis) be adopted and a provision in the Capital Programme for 2013/14 of £2,200,000 and a one off Revenue Supplementary Estimate of £420,000 for 2013/14 only to allow for necessary changes to recycling services, be approved; and


(D)      an appropriation of £280,000 (or balance held on the waste contract reserve at 31 March 2013) in 2013/14 in order to part fund the Supplementary Estimate of £420,000 referred to in (C) above, be approved.

Meeting: 05/03/2013 - Executive (Item 630)

630 Recycling Options (Removing Cardboard from the Organic Waste Stream) pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment submitted a report detailing options for removing card from the organic stream and how recycling performance could be increased.


The Executive recalled that, a report advising of the current problems being experienced at ‘In-Vessel’ composting sites with the treatment of cardboard collected with food and garden waste had been considered at its meeting held on 4 December 2012.  The issues had been extensively investigated by the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership, which had recommended the removal of card from the organic waste stream.  As such, all Hertfordshire Authorities were working on plans to remove card and each had different collection arrangements.


The Executive Member detailed 5 options as follows:


1 – Do nothing

2 – Cardboard collected in the black bin

3 – Cardboard Bring Banks

4 – Collecting Car with Dry Recycling – Kerbside Sort

5 – Collecting Card with Dry Recycling – Comingled


The Environment Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting held on 26 February 2013, had considered the range of options and financial implications.  The Committee had appreciated the need to make changes to the organic waste stream collection and felt that the initial costs associated with adopting Option 5 would be worth it for the additional and improved recycling service it would then offer to residents.  Members were aware of space limitations for some properties and were interested in the idea of an insert basket for separate collection of paper which could do away with the need to keep any recycling boxes.  The Committee had asked if Option 5 could be amended to offer the baskets as standard or as an option to residents subject to an amended schedule of costs being available for consideration by the Executive.  The Executive Member referred Members to this schedule, which had been tabled at the meeting.


The Executive Member proposed that the additional basket option be supported on the “opt-in” basis and referred to the additional costs assuming a 50% take up by residents.


In response to a question on whether the inner basket option could be deferred for a year, the Executive Member stated that a phased implementation would result in additional costs and that economies of scale would be achieved by reducing the number of deliveries.


The Executive supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the comments of Environment Scrutiny Committee be received;


(B)   the options and costs for addressing the issue with cardboard collection and increasing recycling collections in the context of Council’s environmental and financial objectives be noted;


(C)   Option 5 (part-commingled collections with an inner basket being supplied on an “opt-in” basis) be adopted and a provision in the Capital Programme for 2013/14 of £2,200,000 and a one off Revenue Supplementary Estimate of £420,000 for 2013/14 only to allow for necessary changes to recycling services, be approved; and


(D)   an appropriation of £280,000 (or balance held on the waste contract reserve at 31 March 2013) in 2013/14 in order to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 630

Meeting: 26/02/2013 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 614)

614 Recycling Options (Removing Cardboard from the Organic Waste Stream) pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment submitted a report setting out the costs and options for removing cardboard from the organic stream and how this might increase recycling performance in the future.  The Head of Environmental Services sought Members’ comments on the options now detailed, which would be presented to the Executive and to Council for approval. 


The Head of Environmental Services explained that extensive changes to the recycling service were being proposed in order to achieve the necessary removal of cardboard from the organic waste stream.  This Hertfordshire-wide issue had been considered by the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership which had asked all Hertfordshire District Councils to work on plans to remove cardboard.  Five options to address this issue had been put forward, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted, including the full cost implications of each option. 


The Head of Environmental Services explained how each option would impact on the Council in terms of capital and revenue costs and that some of the options put forward might also impact on the Council’s reputation.


Members considered the options at length.  It was noted that option 5 would entail considerable capital and revenue costs including the need to pay off the leases on the existing fleet of vehicles, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.  This option however, provided a service enhancement for residents.  From a resident’s viewpoint, this option would involve the removal of one of their recycling boxes and their replacement with a new 240 litre wheeled bin.  The remaining box would be used for paper and the new wheeled bin for all other dry recyclable materials, including some additional items which we are currently unable to collect.  He reminded Members of the significant difference in income gained from clean paper compared to that for paper taken out of a co-mingled collection and thus the importance of keeping a separate container just for paper.


In response to a query from Councillor B Wrangles regarding the recycling boxes, the Head of Environmental Services explained recycling capacity requirements for the cardboard and the need to use wheeled bins under Option 5.


In response to a query from Councillor M Newman regarding those residents living in small cottages and terraced properties who had no space for bins, the Head of Environmental Services gave assurances that where necessary, individual solutions to recycling storage issues would be resolved wherever possible.


In response to a query from Councillor E Buckmaster regarding bins which might have a built in compartment for paper, the Head of Environmental Services referred to a system in use by Welwyn Hatfield Council whereby the bins had basket insert for paper.  He undertook to investigate this if Members wished.  He informed Members that there were a range of options for the provision of these, from providing them ‘by default’ to every household with the new wheeled bin; making them available upon request free of charge or making them a chargeable option.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 614