Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Plan 2013/14

Meeting: 13/03/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 684)

684 Shared Internal Audit Plan pdf icon PDF 77 KB

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The Shared Internal Audit Service Manager submitted a report setting out the proposed Internal Audit Plan for 2013-14, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted and supporting Essential Reference Papers.  It was noted that the Internal Audit Plan set out the programme of internal audit work for the year ahead and formed part of the Council’s wider assurance framework, including its overall internal control environment and provided a judgement on the robustness of risk management and governance arrangements.  It was noted that the number of audit days had been reduced but it was felt that there would be no impact on providing assurances to the Council.  This reduction in days brought it into line with other similar councils.


Councillor J Wing suggested that having more information on internal field work methodology might be a useful subject for Members to consider in terms of training at the next Audit Committee.  This was supported.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Internal Audit Plan for 2013/14, as submitted, be approved; and


(B)   Member training on internal field work methodology, be considered for inclusion in the work programme.