Issue - meetings

Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - January 2013)

Meeting: 06/03/2013 - Council (Item 662)

Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - December 2012)

Minute 636 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - that the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - January 2013) technical study, be approved as part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts District Plan.

Meeting: 05/03/2013 - Executive (Item 636)

Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - December 2012)

Minute 25 refers

Additional documents:


The Executive considered and supported the recommendation of the District Planning Executive Panel meeting held on 21 February 2013, in respect of the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts – Phases 1 to 4.


RECOMMENDED - that the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - January 2013) technical study, be approved as part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts District Plan.

Meeting: 21/02/2013 - District Planning Executive Panel (Item 25)

25 Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - December 2012) pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the findings of the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - January 2013) technical work, that was intended to form part of the evidence base for generating an appropriate District-wide housing target for East Herts to 2031, and to inform the preparation of the District Plan.


The Panel supported the recommendation as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED - that the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts Phases 1 to 4 (March 2012 - January 2013) technical study, be supported as part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts District Plan.