District Plan Part 1 – Update Report
Minute 631 refers
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RESOLVED – that (A) recent interpretation of ‘objectively assessed housing need’ by the Planning Inspectorate be noted, which suggests that East Herts Council may need to plan for the upper end of the range 10,000-17,000 dwellings over 20 years; and
(B) a further delay to the finalisation of the District Plan Part 1: Strategy be approved, until such time as a resolution to the outstanding strategic issues can be found.
District Plan Part 1 – Update Report
Minute 20 refers
Additional documents:
The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the District Planning Executive Panel meeting held on 21 February 2013, in respect of the District Plan Part 1 – Update Report.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) recent interpretation of ‘objectively assessed housing need’ by the Planning Inspectorate be noted, which suggests that East Herts Council may need to plan for the upper end of the range 10,000-17,000 dwellings over 20 years; and
(B) a further delay to the finalisation of the District Plan Part 1: Strategy be approved, until such time as a resolution to the outstanding strategic issues can be found.
20 District Plan Part 1 – Update Report PDF 40 KB
Additional documents:
The Panel considered a report which confirmed that the East of England Plan had been revoked on 3 January 2013. The Panel was advised of recent interpretation of objectively assessed need by the Planning Inspectorate, which suggested that East Herts Council might need to plan for the upper end of the previously agreed range of 10,000 to17,000 dwellings. Finally, Officers advised that because of continued uncertainty in relation to transport and schools planning, combined with the requirement for the Plan to be effective throughout its period, the consultation draft District Plan, was of necessity, subject to further delay.
Members asked questions and commented on the recent interpretation of objectively assessed need by the Planning Inspectorate and its potential impact on the range of dwellings, given the previous population models reported to the Panel. Officers explained that further studies, such as Phase 4 of the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts and the Sub-District Population and Household Forecasts, had since been published. Whilst noting that the interpretation suggested a higher number, there remained a great deal of work to undertake on the deliverability, given outstanding infrastructure and sustainability issues.
The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) recent interpretation of ‘objectively assessed housing need’ by the Planning Inspectorate be noted, which suggests that East Herts Council may need to plan for the upper end of the range 10,000-17,000 dwellings over 20 years; and
(B) a further delay to the finalisation of the District Plan Part 1: Strategy be supported, until such time as a resolution to the outstanding strategic issues can be found.