District Plan Part 1 - Strategy Supporting Document: Update Report
Minute 460 refers
Additional documents:
RESOLVED – that (A) the proposed approach to the remainder of the strategy selection process for the District Plan, as illustrated in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted, be supported; and
(B) Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ of the report submitted, including the first three sections of Chapter 5: Options Refinement, be supported, subject to a period of Member comment in respect of factual content until 21 December 2012.
District Plan Part 1 - Strategy Supporting Document: Update Report
Minute 18 refers
Additional documents:
The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the District Planning Executive Panel meeting held on 28 November 2012, in respect of the District Plan Part 1 – Strategy Supporting Document Update.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the proposed approach to the remainder of the strategy selection process for the District Plan, as illustrated in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted, be supported; and
(B) Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ of the report submitted, including the first three sections of Chapter 5: Options Refinement, be supported, subject to a period of Member comment in respect of factual content until 21 December 2012.
(see also Minute 471)
18 District Plan Part 1 - Strategy Supporting Document: Update Report PDF 50 KB
Additional documents:
The Panel considered an update on progress with the District Plan Part 1 – Strategy. It explained the main issues impacting on the timeline for finalisation of the Draft District Plan for consultation and Members’ attention was drawn to the revised stepped approach detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted.
The Panel was also presented with a draft of the early sections of Chapter 5 of the Supporting Document. Finally, the report detailed further opportunities for District Members to get directly involved in the plan-making process.
Members were reminded that the next workshop had been scheduled for 17 January 2013 the details for which would be sent out in due course.
In respect of the draft Chapter 5, Councillor S Bull expressed concerns which he undertook to forward to Officers in writing. Members were advised that an amendment to recommendation (B) was being proposed, the effect of which would be to allow a further period of Member consultation until 21 December 2012 for any factual errors. Any comments made would be reported back to the next Panel meeting.
In response to a question from Councillor S Rutland-Barsby on the exceptional circumstances in which the green belt might be altered, the Leader commented that such alteration should only be a last resort. He explained the purpose of the green belt and its importance in safeguarding identities and preventing settlements merging. He suggested that in light of the need to provide an adequate supply of land and to enhance the quality of life, some edge of settlement areas might be less crucial. It was important for the Council to show leadership in order to prevent developer-led growth that would be unsustainable.
In response to a question from Councillor S Rutland-Barsby on economic development, the Leader referred to the DTZ report considered earlier (Minute 14 refers) and the need to consider the wider context. Employment growth tended to gravitate towards the better transport links, which in East Herts, was the Bishop’s Stortford area. He believed that small and medium enterprises formed the backbone of employment opportunities in the District and that the focus should be on refurbishing existing employment locations.
In response to a question from Councillor M Newman, Officers clarified the proposed changes to the stepped approach and that there would not be a third sieving process.
Councillor Mrs R Cheswright referred to highways issues and how sustainable transport measures would be considered. Officers explained that the sieving process in the topic assessments had resulted in some potential sites being excluded because of unsustainable transport.
Councillor J Ranger commented on employment areas in the Buntingford area and was invited to submit his comments formally in writing.
The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the proposed approach to the remainder of the strategy selection process for the District Plan, as illustrated in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted, be supported; and
(B) Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ of the report submitted, including the ... view the full minutes text for item 18