Sub-District Population and Household Forecasts - Parish Groupings and Towns: Phases 1 and 2 (October 2012)
Minute 454 refers
Additional documents:
RESOLVED - that the Sub-District ‘Population and Household Forecasts - Parish Groupings and Towns: Phases 1 and 2’ (October 2012) technical study at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report submitted, be supported as part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts District Plan.
Sub-District Population and Household Forecasts - Parish Groupings and Towns: Phases 1 and 2 (October 2012)
Minute 12 refers
Additional documents:
The Executive considered and supported the recommendation of the District Planning Executive Panel meeting held on 28 November 2012, in respect of the Sub-District ‘Population and Household Forecasts - Parish Groupings and Towns: Phases 1 and 2’ (October 2012) technical study.
RECOMMENDED - that the Sub-District ‘Population and Household Forecasts - Parish Groupings and Towns: Phases 1 and 2’ (October 2012) technical study at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report submitted, be supported as part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts District Plan.
(see also Minute 471)
Additional documents:
The Panel considered a report on the findings of the Sub-District Population and Household Forecasts technical work (Phases 1 and 2) that would form part of the evidence base for generating an appropriate district-wide housing target for East Herts to 2031, and to inform the preparation of the District Plan. It also provided benchmark demographic information at parish grouping and town level.
Councillor G Jones referred to concerns he had raised at the previous meeting and expressed support for the supply-led forecasts that had been included in the various scenarios. In response to a concern that the migration-led scenario had only used a five year historical average, Officers explained that this issue had been picked up elsewhere.
The Panel supported the recommendation now detailed.
RECOMMENDED - that the Sub-District ‘Population and Household Forecasts - Parish Groupings and Towns: Phases 1 and 2’ (October 2012) technical study at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report submitted, be supported as part of the evidence base to inform and support the East Herts District Plan.