Issue - meetings

Proposed Increase to Taxi Fees and Charges

Meeting: 01/11/2012 - Licensing Committee (Item 378)

378 Proposed Increase to Taxi Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 25 KB

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The Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report regarding the need to increase all discretionary fees and charges by 2.5% and of the impact this would have on taxi fees and charges, the detail of which was set out in Essential Reference “B” of the report now submitted.  The Licensing Manager advised that Taxi drivers were already unhappy that the fees are considered to be too high.  The Licensing Manager explained that the shortfall was £43,000 and that the Council was already subsidising fees and charges to approximately £32,000.  The increase in fees and charges would recover approximately £11,000 of the shortfall.


Councillor R Beeching referred to the need to make savings in other ways, and suggested that there be more officer delegation.


Councillor K Crofton was unhappy about the proposed increase in fees and charges and suggested that not having legal representation at Licensing Sub-Committees might be a way of making savings.  The Committee Chairman opposed this view stating that a legal presence at Sub-Committees was absolutely necessary given that some cases were very controversial and applicants frequently brought along legal support to argue their case.  This view was supported by Councillors Mrs P Ballam and M McMullen. 


The Licensing Manager explained the staffing levels within the licensing section and the demands on the team.


Councillor E Buckmaster explained that there was a need to continue to give good service and move towards reducing the level of subsidy that the Council now provided in terms of fees and charges. 


The Committee agreed that the proposed increase of fees and charges be supported for progression through the budget process.


RESOLVED – that the proposed fees and charges as now submitted, be supported.