Issue - meetings

Affordable Housing: Planning Policy Requirements

Meeting: 12/12/2012 - Council (Item 500)

Affordable Housing: Planning Policy Requirements

Minute 453 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - that the Council’s policy requirement for the provision of affordable housing in category 1 and 2 Villages be amended and the revised wording for policy HSG3(II) and (III) as set out in paragraph 4.1 of this report submitted, be agreed, resulting in the threshold and requirement for provision of affordable housing as follows:


a) Main Settlements:

Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha

Provision: Up to 40%


b) Category 1 and 2 Villages

Threshold: Sites of up to 3 units or 0.12ha

Provision: none


Threshold: Sites of 4-14 units or 0.12 – 0.5ha

Provision: Up to 25%


Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha

Provision: Up to 40%


The time period for the commencement of development of any planning permissions that come forward as result of this policy change shall be one year.

Meeting: 04/12/2012 - Executive (Item 453)

453 Affordable Housing: Planning Policy Requirements pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive considered a report on the potential impact of a temporary relaxation in affordable housing provision requirements.  This detailed the current policy position and outlined the potential benefits and risks of adjusting this.  The Executive noted the current economic conditions and the potential for stimulating development activity by the proposal.


The proposals, if approved, would result in amendments to Affordable Housing Policy HSG3 as detailed in the report submitted.


Various Members commented on the potential impact.


The Executive supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMNEDED - that the Council’s policy requirement for the provision of affordable housing in category 1 and 2 Villages be amended and the revised wording for policy HSG3(II) and (III) as set out in paragraph 4.1 of this report submitted, be agreed, resulting in the threshold and requirement for provision of affordable housing as follows:


a) Main Settlements:

Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha

Provision: Up to 40%


b) Category 1 and 2 Villages

Threshold: Sites of up to 3 units or 0.12ha

Provision: none


Threshold: Sites of 4-14 units or 0.12 – 0.5ha

Provision: Up to 25%


Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha

Provision: Up to 40%


The time period for the commencement of development of any planning permissions that come forward as result of this policy change shall be one year.