Capital Programme 2012/13 (revised) - 2015/16
Additional documents:
RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 15 January 2013, be received; and
(B) the new Capital Programme for the period 2012/13 (revised) to 2015/16 as now submitted, be approved.
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Note – Essential Reference Paper C is attached for Members only as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report setting out proposals for the Council’s Capital Programme for 2012/13 (Revised) – 2015/16. The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, at their meeting held on 15 January 2013, had supported the proposals.
In referring to the proposed new schemes, the Executive Member highlighted the provisional IT investment item and advised that this would be subject to the submission of a business case later in the year.
The Executive commended the proposals as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 15 January 2013, be received; and
(B) the new Capital Programme for the period 2012/13 (revised) to 2015/16 as now submitted, be approved.
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Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report setting out proposals for the Council’s Capital Programme for the period 2012/13 (Revised) to 2015/16. Members were advised that the Capital Programme had been amended to take account of slippage and rephasing. Members were reminded that there had also been amendments approved as part of the Council’s monthly healthcheck process.
Members were referred to Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ for the full Capital Programme information, in particular the estimates for the 4 new schemes.
Councillor N Symonds commented on the £500,000 estimate for provision of IT Investment. The Director of Finance and Support Services confirmed that ICT infrastructure was in need of investment to ensure that this service was fit for purpose. The need for investment in ICT had also been highlighted by the recent peer challenge visits.
Councillor J Mayes commented on the significant increase to £84,600 in the revised estimate for the renewal of the roof covering to Hertford Theatre. The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services advised that Officers had not been able to accurately estimate the cost of repairs until the roof had been inspected.
In response to a query regarding the Micro Hydro Scheme at Hertford Theatre, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services advised that the business case remained in place and Officers would continue work on this project. The Director undertook to provide written responses to Members’ queries in respect of estimates relating to the replacement footbridge at the Ware Library Car Park and the new footbridge over the River Stort.
In response to a number of comments that had been made by Members, the Executive Member for Finance stated that the Authority did not charge for replacement bins and with the exception of the schemes already identified in the capital programme, there would be no additional capital for new schemes.
Councillor M Pope sought and was given an update in respect of the play area development programme at The Bourne, Ware. The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services confirmed that match funding for this project was no longer available and Officers were scaling down the project to fit within the available budget whilst still looking for match funding from elsewhere.
The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees resolved to inform the Executive that the Capital Programme 2012/13 (revised) to 2015/16, as now submitted, should be approved.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees considered that the draft Capital Programme 2012/13 (Revised) to 2015/16, as now submitted, should be approved.