412 Vehicle Removals – Traffic Management Act 2004 PDF 35 KB
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The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report confirming the policy framework and priorities for the operation of a vehicle removal service in East Herts and also to confirm the mechanism by which the associated charges would be set.
Members were advised that the purpose of this report was to set out the policy framework for the clamping and removal of vehicles parked in apparent contravention of the rules in East Herts. The Parking Manager reiterated that such powers would not be used lightly as removing a vehicle was a draconian measure to take.
In response to a query from Councillor R Beeching, the Parking Manager stated that vehicles would very likely be claimed and in the unlikely event that a vehicle was unclaimed an auction sale would be the subsequent course of action. Hertfordshire Police would be notified in a timely manner of any instance of vehicle removal in case the vehicle was subsequently reported stolen.
In respect of further queries from Councillor R Beeching, Members were advised that all the charges were such that the authority would not be expected to make a surplus whilst operating a vehicle removal service.
In terms of removing automatic vehicles, the Parking Manager stressed that all aspects of safe vehicle removal was entrusted to NSL as the successful tenderer.
The Committee received the report.
RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received: and
(B) the policy framework and priorities for the operation of the East Herts vehicle removal service be recommended to the Executive for adoption.