Issue - meetings

Background Briefing Presentation on Grounds Maintanence Contract Task and Finish Review

Meeting: 11/09/2012 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 291)

291 Background Briefing Presentation on Grounds Maintenance Contract pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Head of Environmental Services explained that the Grounds Maintenance Contract was due for review and to this end, a Task and Finish group had been created as part of the review process.  He explained the background to the presentation, including the content of the current contract, the need to consider future objectives and standards before any decisions could be taken regarding the renewal or retendering of the contract which was due to expire in December 2013.


The Parks and Open Spaces Manager explained what the contract did and did not include.  It was noted that the Task and Finish Group would report back to Members on 13 November 2012.


In response to a query from Councillor E Buckmaster concerning value for money, the Head of Environmental Services confirmed that the contract included a price escalation clause which was aligned to the retail price index.


In response to a query from Councillor B Wrangles, the Parks and Open Spaces Manager confirmed the roles of both the Council and Hertfordshire County Council in relation to the maintenance of shrubs and grass verges clarifying that “A” roads and the B1000 were not included within the Grounds Maintenance Contract.  The condition of the grass verges by Tesco’s prior to the Olympic Torch relay through East Hertfordshire, was raised as part of a wider discussion concerning the confusion over who owned particular pieces of land, who was responsible for them and who had the authority or contract to maintain them.


In response to a query from Councillor R Beeching regarding working with South Anglia on the maintainence of grounds they owned in Sawbridgeworth, the Head of Environmental Services confirmed that the Housing Association had been initially approached on this matter before the original contract was allocated, but chose to make their own wider regional arrangements.  He confirmed that he had recently written to both housing associations to see if they wished to reconsider their current arrangements.  The Head of Environmental Services confirmed the Council’s position in relation to sponsored roundabouts.


The Chairman reminded Members that the Task and Finish Group was one Member short and asked Members to contact the Scrutiny Officer if they would be willing to participate in the review.


Members received the presentation.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.