Decision details

Flyposting Powers for Town Councils

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


RESOLVED - that the Director of Neighbourhood Services be given delegated authority to pursue an agreement, the purpose of which will be to enable Town Councils to take up fly-posting removal powers, generally in accordance with the suggestions set out in the report submitted and in consultation with the Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment.

Reasons for the decision:

So that the Executive may consider all the issues involved with enabling Town Councils in the District to take up fly-posting removal powers.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 08/09/2011

Date of decision: 06/09/2011

Decided at meeting: 06/09/2011 - Executive

Effective from: 15/09/2011

Accompanying Documents: