Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Publication date: 22/01/2025
Date of decision: 30/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
This decision has been called in by:
Councillor Bob Deering who writes The charge for the collection of green waste falls under the schedule of the Council’s Fees and Charges which are reviewed and agreed by Full Council as part of the budget approval process. It is not correct for any change to this charge to be made by means of a key decision by the Executive. The current £49 charge was agreed by Full Council and any proposal to now change the charge should be brought forward to Full Council for proper and full debate. The change to the charge has been recommended by the Executive as part of the budget setting, but the budget can only be approved by Full Council, so this pre-emptive move is wrong.
We bring the case that the decision taken by the Executive is in contravention of Sections 3 and 13 of the Constitution, but is also in contravention of the accepted practice of the Council.
Councillor Geoffrey Williamson who writes The charge for the collection of green waste falls under the schedule of the Council’s Fees and Charges which are reviewed and agreed by Full Council as part of the budget approval process. It is not correct for any change to this charge to be made by means of a key decision by the Executive. The current £49 charge was agreed by Full Council and any proposal to now change the charge should be brought forward to Full Council for proper and full debate. The change to the charge has been recommended by the Executive as part of the budget setting, but the budget can only be approved by Full Council, so this pre-emptive move is wrong.
We bring the case that the decision taken by the Executive is in contravention of Sections 3 and 13 of the Constitution, but is also in contravention of the accepted practice of the Council.
Councillor Tom Deffley who writes This matter should be within the councils budget and subject to scrutiny at Full council so a democratic debate and vote can take place on it."
Councillor Graham McAndrew who writes The decision to increase garden waste charges by £10 fails to comply with the council’s statutory duty under Section 93 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, which limits charges to reasonable costs. The £10 increase exceeds the proportionate cost recovery demonstrated by North Herts (£6 increase under the same contract) and aligns with an unlawful income-generation strategy. Further, the decision lacks clarity (contradictory rationales from Executive Members) and fails to adequately consider impacts on low-income residents, breaching the principles of proportionality, consistency with policy, and due regard for communities.""
Councillor David Andrews who writes The decision to increase garden waste charges by £10 fails to comply with the council’s statutory duty under Section 93 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, which limits charges to reasonable costs. The £10 increase exceeds the proportionate cost recovery demonstrated by North Herts (£6 increase under the same contract) and aligns with an unlawful income-generation strategy. Further, the decision lacks clarity (contradictory rationales from Executive Members) and fails to adequately consider impacts on low-income residents, breaching the principles of proportionality, consistency with policy, and due regard for communities.""
Councillor Ian Devonshire who writes This is a very important increase in charges and is NOT in line with our shared services partner, North Herts District Council."
Councillor John Wyllie who writes We believe that that decision will have a major financial impact on residents and therefore should be discussed by Full Council"
Councillor Diane Hollebon who writes We believe that that decision will have a major financial impact on residents and therefore should be discussed by Full Council."
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