Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
At its meeting of 18th January 2023, Council
approved the use of UKSPF funds to deliver the council’s
Cultural Strategy.
At the same meeting, Council delegated decision-making authority to
the Head of Housing and Health, acting in consultation with the
Executive Member for Communities regarding cultural
The grant is being made to Community Alliance Broxbourne and East
Herts to fund a feasibility study, that will be conducted between
January and March 2025, aimed at understanding and mapping the gaps
in service provision for residents in rural areas of East
Hertfordshire with regard to accessing cultural and advice
The work will see Community Alliance:
• develop a community engagement model which could be used in
communities across East Hertfordshire to empower communities,
identify community need, facilitate access to services and deliver
sustainable change
• carry out a mapping of existing digital skills and financial
capability provision across the district, these factors being
recognised barriers to accessing cultural and advice services
• identify gaps in service provision and current unmet
• make recommendations to ensure that partner organisations
are working together to optimise delivery in East Herts
• produce an evaluation report.
This feasibility study will inform longer-term planning to address
needs, principally though not exclusively for residents in rural
areas. The intention is to use the outcomes / recommendations of
this feasibility study as the evidence based for external funding
bids to secure longer term benefits of the council’s
time-limited UPSPF monies.
Provide a grant of £10,000 to Community
Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts to conduct a feasibility study
to build on the UKSPF-funded community assets and digital inclusion
work to identify the scope of and ways to bridge the gap between
residents, primarily in rural areas, and the cultural and advice
services available so as to facilitate access.
Option 1 - Not fund the feasibility study. NOT
RECOMMENDED because the proposed study builds directly on the
previous work funded by the UKSPF to map cultural assets, promote
digital sustainability and support communities. In an attempt to
safeguard the benefit of this prior investment and develop the work
further, it is felt that this feasibility study will provide the
joined-up evidence base for future external funding bids.
Option 2 - Provide the grant. RECOMMENDED for the reasons
Publication date: 08/01/2025
Date of decision: 08/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: