Decision details

Award of UKSPF-funded environmental sustainability and cultural strategy grants - 2024/25

Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


At its meeting of 18th January 2023, Council approved the use of UKSPF funds to promote sustainability works, notably to reduce carbon emissions, and to deliver the council’s Cultural Strategy.

At the same meeting, Council delegated decision-making authority to the Head of Housing and Health, acting in consultation with the Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability regarding environmental grants and contracts and in consultation with the Executive Member for Communities regarding cultural activities.

The grants will contribute to works at five village halls which have been identified in decarbonisation assessments, previously funded through the UKSPF, conducted by Utility Aid. They will contribute to lowering the carbon emissions of the halls.

Another grant is being made to Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts for work to follow-on from their previously funded developmental and administrative support for the Arts in East Herts programme. This grant will fund works to support the continuation of the programme beyond the UKSPF funding period.


Fund grants for five village halls to contribute to carbon reduction works as identified in decarbornisation plans previously supported by UKSPF-funded carbon reduction assessments. The grants being:
• Gilston and Eastwick Village Hall - £1,011.11
• Hunsdon Village Hall - £3,263.51
• Much Hadham Village - £4,922.73
• Parsonage Community Hall, Bishop’s Stortford - £1,998.93
• Westmill Village Hall - £469.48.

A grant of £6,095 to Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts to conduct an evaluation of the Arts in East Herts programme to be used a basis for future external funding bids and establish a steering group of East Herts cultural providers to oversee, develop and continue Arts in East Herts in future years.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Not fund all or some of the works. NOT RECOMMENDED because the village hall works will lead to evidence-based carbon reductions in support on the UKSPF outcomes and the council’s Climate Change Strategy while the Community Alliance grant will support the continuation of the Arts in East Herts programme beyond UKSPF funding.
Option 2 - Provide the grants for the reasons highlighted.

Publication date: 03/01/2025

Date of decision: 03/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: