Decision details

UK Shared Prosperity Funding - town centre and business grants

Decision Maker: Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Council meeting 18th January 2023: Council resolved that the following amounts from the East Herts UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and the Rural Prosperity Fund (RPF) be agreed:

Up to £287,000 from UKSPF and up to £236,421 from RPF allocated to business support
Up to £630,000 from the UKSPF and up to £236,421 from the RPF for delivery of town and village centre improvements

And that decisions on spending be delegated to the Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy acting in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Growth


That the following amounts, totalling £176,782.07, are allocated as grant payments:

A grant of £9,677.59 to Chipping and Buckland Parish Council towards the purchase
of gazebos and other equipment to support the running of events.
A grant of £1,085 to Cottered and Throcking Parish Council towards the cost of additional bins for the village
A grant of £5,519.48 to Little Berkhamsted Parish Council towards pathway
A grant of £100,000 to Ware Town Council as a contribution to improvements to the public WC’s and creation of a Library of Things facility in the Priory Grounds
A grant of £57,500 to Hertfordshire County Council as a contribution towards installation of parking Variable Messaging Signs (VMS) in Hertford Town Centre
A new premises grant of £3,000 to We Heart Pole to support the costs of relocation and fit out of new premises in Ware

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Award the grants
Option 2 - Do not award the grants

Publication date: 30/07/2024

Date of decision: 31/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: