Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Amendments to the Business and Planning Act
2020 brought in by the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 now
(a) render the district council, rather than the county council in
a two tier area, the licensing authority for pavement licences
whereas previously this was only a temporary measure during the
Covid pandemic, (b) enable licences up to a default maximum of two
years’ duration and (c) uprate the maximum fees allowable to
£500 for first time licence and £350 for a renewal of
an existing licence.
This decision brings the council's policy up-to-date so that the
council and local businesses can fully benefit from the
The decision to make amendments to the Pavement Licence Policy is
being taken under the approval by the Executive at its meeting of
7th July 2020 that: “the making of any minor amendments to
the [Pavement Licence] policy and procedure be delegated to the
Head of Housing and Health acting in consultation with the
Executive Member for Neighbourhoods’.
Note: the jurisdiction for licensing policy has since transferred
to the Executive Member for Planning and Growth.
The decision to amend the fees is being taken by the Head of
Housing and Health, in consultation with the Executive Member for
Planning and Growth, under the same delegated authority in the
context of the Executive at its meeting of 7th July 2020 approving
that ‘fees be set at the maximum permitted level of
£100 in order to, at least in part, recover the cost of
issuing licences’ (emphasis added as this demonstrates the
Executive’s approval to set the fee at the extant maximum
which has now been uprated).
To approve amendments to the existing East
Herts Council Pavement Licence Policy in line with amendments to
the Business and Planning Act 2020, including amending the fees to
£500 for a first time licence and £350 for a renewal of
an existing licence.
Option 1 - Not amend the existing Pavement
Licence Policy – NOT RECOMMENDED as the existing policy is no
longer compliant with the terms of the Business and Planning Act
2020 as amended by the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 thus
rendering it the council unable to benefit from the now permanent
powers to act as the licensing authority for pavement licences with
the consequent ability to increase the associated fees.
Option 2 - Amend the Pavement Licence Policy and associated fees as
proposed - RECOMMENDED for the reasons outlined in this decision
report and attached documents.
Publication date: 03/07/2024
Date of decision: 03/07/2024
Accompanying Documents: