Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This report is to seek approval of the
Environmental Health Service Plan 2024/25. The plan sets out the
likely demands on both the ‘food hygiene’ and
‘occupational health and safety’ functions to be
undertaken by Environmental Health in2024/25. The plan details how
the team will use the allocated resources (both financial and
staffing) to meet these demands.
Approve the Environmental Health Service plan
for 2024/25.
Option 1 - Provide additional staffing and/or
financial resource to deliver the service plan. NOT RECOMMENDED. At
present, the council is undertaking a council-wide service review,
looking at its structures along with opportunities for efficiencies
and savings. It would be prudent to establish what efficiencies can
be made as part of this review before investing in additional
Option 2 - Reduce the available staffing and/or financial resource.
NOT RECOMMENDED. At present, there are pressures on the delivery of
Option 3 - Continue with the current level of service delivery,
albeit augmented with temporary additional resources to conduct
food hygiene visits. RECOMMENDED. This approach will allow the
organisation to wait for the outcome of the pending service reviews
before making an informed decision about the future configuration
of the team.
Publication date: 11/06/2024
Date of decision: 11/06/2024
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