Decision Maker: Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Council meeting 18th January resolved that the
up to £287,000 from UKSPF and up to £236,421 from RPF
be allocated to business support and that decisions on
be delegated to the Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy
acting in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and
That the following amounts, totalling
£29,473 are allocated as grant payments
• £3,000 to the Countryman Inn, Chipping, as a new
premises grant
• £3,000 to StormX Recruitment, Ware, as a new premises
• £3,000 to Thirteen Artisan Bakery Ltd, Hertford, as a
new premises grant
• £3,000 to Ecydsis Ltd, Watton-at-Stone as a new
premises grant
• £17,473 to Attend2IT, Buntingford, as a large business
Option 1 - Award the grants
Option 2 - Not award the grants
Publication date: 02/06/2024
Date of decision: 31/05/2024
Accompanying Documents: