Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
At its meeting of 18th January 2023, Council
approved the use of UKSPF funds to establish a community chest for
hyperlocal environmental sustainability projects. An allocation of
£20,000 was subsequently set aside for the awarding of grants
in 2023/24.
At the same meeting, Council delegated decision-making on all
environmental grants and contracts to the Head of Housing and
Health acting in consultation with the Executive Member for
Environmental Sustainability.
A grants application for environmental sustainability grants ran
from November 2023 to January 2024, alongside the community grants
and UKSPF-funded cultural activities grants application
A total of ten applications for hyper local environmental
sustainability grants were received which were assessed using the
grants policy approved by Council on 18th October 2023.
Fund the eight applications which met the
eligibility and assessment criteria. The grant recipients and
amounts are as follows (full details in the attached
* Age Concern Ware - £3,000
* Anstey Village Hall - £3,000
* St Andrews Parish Church, Hertford - £750
* Sawbridgeworth Town Council - £3,000
* Little Berkhamsted Parish Council - £2,830
* Hertford Town Council - three grants for separate projects of (a)
a capped maximum of £2,000, (b) £450 and (c)
Do not fund two applications which did not met the eligibility or
assessment criteria or will be considered under other funding
programmes (full details in the attached document):
* Hertford Town Council - £1,000
* Hearts for Herts Charity - £3,000.
Option 1 - Not fund all or some of the
applications received. NOT RECOMMENDED because the applications it
is proposed to fund were eligible, assessed within the approved
policy and will clearly contribute to the UKSPF outputs on which
the council is required to report to government.
Option 2 - Fund the proposed applications. RECOMMENDED.
Option 3 -
Publication date: 08/03/2024
Date of decision: 08/03/2024
Accompanying Documents: