Decision details

Lease Renewal, 14 Fleming Crescent, Hertford

Decision Maker: Head of Strategic Finance and Property

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To renew the lease for an existing business tenancy and maintain and increase the revenue income for the Council.
The current tenant has requested that the new lease be in the name of his company, G. Pickett Butchers Ltd. A review of the last three years trading accounts suggests that the company will be able to meet the rental payments.
A yearly stepped rent arrangement has been agreed commencing at £8,000 pa in year one to £8,750 pa in year five.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property, acting under delegated authority in paragraph 10.13.16 of the Constitution has decided to grant a new 5 year lease 0f 14 Fleming Crescent, Hertford to G. Pickett Butchers Ltd, subject to annual tenant only break options and at an initial rent of £8,000 pa subject to further agreed annual increases.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - To renew the lease in the company name of the existing tenant on the terms agreed
Option 2 - To renew the lease in the name of the existing named tenant rather than their company name
Option 3 - To reject the agreed terms and refer the matter to court which would likely incur significant costs and may result in less favourable terms for the Council

Publication date: 14/09/2023

Date of decision: 07/09/2023

Accompanying Documents: