Decision details

Scrutiny Annual Report 2011

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Information Only

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Council considered a joint report of the Scrutiny Committee Chairmen detailing the Scrutiny Annual report 2010/11.


The Chairman of the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee expressed his gratitude to all Scrutiny Members who had contributed throughout the year and Officers for their support.  He paid particular tribute to the Scrutiny Officer for her continued support.


Councillor J Ranger welcomed the report and offered his congratulations to the work of the Scrutiny Committees and the benefits for residents.  He drew Members’ attention to the section of the report looking forward to the evolving role of scrutiny and the impact of the three Bills working their way through Parliament.


Council agreed to receive the report.


RESOLVED – that the Annual Report on the work of the East Herts Scrutiny Committees and Health Engagement Panel during 2010/11, be received.

Publication date: 19/07/2011

Date of decision: 06/07/2011

Decided at meeting: 06/07/2011 - Council

Accompanying Documents: