Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree the future ownership and management for the Town Centre Markets in order to achieve the proposed MTFP savings for 2019/20.
That (A) East Herts Council ceases the management of Bishop’s Stortford market to allow Bishop’s Stortford Town Council (BSTC) to own and manage the market under the Food Act 1984, transferring market rights as detailed in paragraph 2.13 of the report submitted;
(B) in agreement with Bishop’s Stortford Town Council, the current contract with BSTC will terminate in conjunction with the implementation of recommendation (A) above;
(C) delegated authority is provided to the Head of Operations to agree the details of the transfer arrangements including the financial support described in Essential Reference Paper ‘A’ of the report submitted, in conjunction with the Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer and the Executive Member for Economic Development;
(D) the position on the markets transfer from Hertford and Ware Town Councils as described in paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the report submitted, be noted;
(E) engagement with market traders in Hertford and Ware to seek their views on a street trading consent arrangement for the continuation of stalls to take place over summer 2018, be noted; and
(F) the decision on the future of Hertford and Ware markets to be taken after consultation with market traders, be noted.
Report author: Nick Kirby
Publication date: 18/07/2018
Date of decision: 17/07/2018
Decided at meeting: 17/07/2018 - Executive
Effective from: 26/07/2018
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