Decision details

Southern Maltings, Ware

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report seeking authority to grant a leasehold interest in the land and buildings known as Southern Malting, New Road, Ware.  He detailed the action taken by Officers in considering the various options available, including the disposal of the freehold interest in the site.


In response to Members’ comments and questions, the Executive Member acknowledged the risks as detailed in the report submitted, but that on balance, given the potential community benefits, there was merit in granting a lease to the Ware Arts Centre Ltd.


The Executive considered the options set out in the report submitted and approved the recommendation as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that, subject to agreeing mutually acceptable terms, the Council grants a 30 year lease in Southern Malting to Ware Arts Centre Ltd on the terms detailed in the report submitted.

Publication date: 03/02/2016

Date of decision: 02/02/2016

Decided at meeting: 02/02/2016 - Executive

Effective from: 11/02/2016

Accompanying Documents: