Decision details

Revision to Treasury Management Arrangements

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive Member for Finance provided an update on recent activity in seeking to invest in pooled property funds and advised that a report would be submitted to the Executive in due course.


RESOLVED – that (A) Non-Treasury Investments be included in the Treasury Management Strategy and associated criteria for selection, as now detailed within Essential Reference Papers “B” and “C” (Annex 2c) of the report submitted;


(B)           the proposed steps to mitigate investment credit risk as now detailed, be noted;

(C)           the credit criteria changes for the selection of investment counterparties as now detailed, be noted;

(D)      the revised format for the Treasury Management strategy as now detailed, be noted.


(see also Minute 153)

Publication date: 07/08/2014

Date of decision: 30/07/2014

Decided at meeting: 30/07/2014 - Council