Meeting documents

Wednesday 11th December, 2002

Meeting: Council
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford
Time: 7.30pm

1. To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 6 November 2002, and the special meeting of the Council held on 27 November 2002

2. To receive any announcements which the Chairman may wish to make.

3. To receive any Members' declarations of interest.

4. To receive any petitions.

5. To receive any public questions.

6. To receive any Members' questions.

7. To receive a report from the Leader of the Council, and where necessary, approve the Minutes of the Executive meetings held on:

(A) 12 November 2002

(B) 26 November 2002 (To follow)

(C) 10 December 2002 - To receive an oral report. The Executive Decision sheets for this meeting will be e-mailed to Members on the morning of 11 December 2002. Copies will be available at the meeting.

Members are asked to bring to the meeting their copies of the Executive agendas for these meetings.
8. To receive, and where necessary approve, the Minutes of the following Committees:-

(A) Overview 2 Scrutiny Committee -7 November 2002
Chairman: Councillor J O Ranger

(B) Overview 1 Scrutiny Committee - 12 November 2002
Chairman: Councillor J O Ranger

(C) Best Value Scrutiny Committee - 19 November 2002
Chairman: Councillor E C Elliott

(D) Development Control Committee - 20 November 2002
Chairman: Councillor R Gilbert

(E) Overview 2 Scrutiny - 3 December 2002
Chairman: Councillor J O Ranger

9. To consider Motions on Notice.

I also enclose a copy of a report of the Executive Member for Planning and Property referred to at Item 10 of the Agenda issued on the supplementary notice. This contains recommendations that will be moved as a replacement for those set out at Minute 524, at agenda item 7(A). Therefore, agenda item 10 is withdrawn. Members are also requested to bring the agenda for the Special Council meeting on 27 November 2002 to the meeting.

Also attached, is an additional recommendation (page 206) that will be moved at Minute 589 (pages 50.2 - 50.12), at agenda item 7(B).