Meeting documents

Tuesday 9th November, 2004

Committee: Extraordinary Council
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford
Time: 6.30 pm


1. To receive any announcements which the Chairman may wish to make.

2. To receive any Members' declarations of interest.

*3. To receive an oral report from the Leader of the Council outlining recommendations of the Executive meeting of 9 November 2004, on
'East Hertfordshire Local Plan - Second Review - Further material Amendments for Incorporation into the Re-Deposit Local Plan (November 2004)'.

*4. To receive an oral report from the Leader of the Council outlining recommendations of the Executive meeting of 9 November 2004, on
'Sustainability Appraisals: East Hertfordshire Local Plan - Second Review - Re-Deposit Version (November 2004) and Vehicle Parking at New Development - Draft Supplementary Planning Document (November 2004)'.

*5. To receive an oral report from the Executive Member for Community outlining recommendations of the Executive meeting of 9 November 2004, on the 'East Hertfordshire District Council (Parking Places) (Amendment Order) No 2 2004'.

*Members are asked to bring to the meeting their copy of the Executive agenda of 9 November 2004.