Meeting documents

Wednesday 3rd March, 2010


1. To receive the Chairman's Announcements.

2. To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the Council meeting held on pdf icon 24 February 2010 [57kb].

3. To receive any Members' declarations of interest.

4. To receive any petitions (if any).

5. To receive any public questions (if any).

6. To receive any word icon Members' questions [39kb]

7. Council Tax 2010/11 – pdf icon County Council and Police Authority Elements [14kb] 

8. Council Tax 2010/11 – pdf icon Parishes [14kb]  pdf icon Parish Precepts [7kb]

9. Council Tax 2010/11 – pdf icon Formal Resolution [17kb]  pdf icon County Council and Police Authority precepts [22kb]

10. To consider Motions on Notice (if any).

Urgent item - word icon Minutes of the Human Resources Committee - 1 March 2010 [106kb]