Meeting documents

Environment Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 26th February, 2008

Meeting : Environment Scrutiny Committee
Venue : Waytemore Room, The Council Offices, The Causeway, Bishop's Stortford
Time : 7.30 pm

1. Apologies

To Receive Apologies For Absence.

2. Minutes

To Confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on word icon 4 December 2007 [49kb].

3. Chairman's Announcements.

4. Declarations Of Interest.

5. word icon Terms of Reference as approved by Council [23kb]

6. word icon Call-In: Business Permit Parking Scheme, South Street, Bishop's Stortford [64kb]word icon Appendix A (Part 1) [57kb]pdf icon Appendix A (Part 2) [337kb]excel icon Appendix A (Part 3) [23kb]word icon Appendix A (Part 4) [119kb]word icon Appendix B [39kb]word icon Appendix C [29kb]

7. word icon Street Naming and Numbering [71kb]pdf icon Appendix A [200kb]

8. word icon Developing a Climate Change Strategy for East Herts [80kb]

9. word icon Hertfordshire Waste Development Plan: Waste Core Strategy, Submission Stage Consultation Document – January 2008 [126kb]

10. word icon Hertfordshire Waste Development Plan: Waste Development Policies, Preferred Options Consultation Document – January 2008 [118kb]

11. word icon Hertfordshire Waste Development Plan: Waste Site Specific Allocations, Preferred Options Consultation Document – January 2008 [127kb]excel icon Appendix B,Agenda Item 11 [55kb]

12. Urgent Business.

To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information.