Meeting documents

Environment Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 10th June, 2008

Meeting : Environment Scrutiny Committee
Venue : The Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford.
Time : 7.30 pm

1. Appointment of Vice Chairman.

2. Apologies.

To Receive Apologies For Absence.

3. Minutes.

To Confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on word icon 26 February 2008 [109kb]

4. Chairman's Announcements.

5. Declarations Of Interest.

6. word icon Climate Change – Scope of the Review [39kb]word icon Appendix A,Agenda Item 6 [69kb]

7. word icon Update On The Procurement Of A Suitable Composting Plant And/Or Transfer Facility [55kb]

8. Presentation on visit to London Waste Ltd Eco Park

9. word icon Progress Report On Parks And Open Spaces Development Programme [72kb]word icon Appendix B,Agenda Item 9 [37kb]

10. word icon Contract Performance – Environmental Operations [869kb]

11. word icon Work Programme 2008/09 [41kb]word icon Appendix C,Agenda Item 11 [48kb]word icon Appendix D,Agenda Item 11 [28kb]

12. Urgent Business.

To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information.