Meeting documents

Environment Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 2nd December, 2008

Meeting : Environment Scrutiny Committee
Venue : The Council Chamber, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford.
Time : 7.30 pm

1. Apologies.

To Receive Apologies For Absence.

2. Minutes.

To Confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on word icon 10 November 2008 [81kb]

3. Chairman's Announcements.

4. Declarations Of Interest.

To receive any Member's Declarations of Interest and Party Whip arrangements.

5. word icon Environmental Quality Review – Scoping Report [69kb]

6. word icon 2009-10 Service Options and Beyond [51kb]excel icon Appendix A, Agenda Item 6 [36kb]

7. word icon Environment Scrutiny Health Check – From April to September 2008 [100kb]word icon Appendix A, Agenda Item 7 [112kb]excel icon Appendix B, Agenda Item 7 [34kb]word icon Appendix C, Agenda Item 7 [45kb]word icon Appendix D, Agenda Item 7 [72kb]

8. word icon Work Programme 2008/09 [46kb]word icon Appendix A, Agenda Item 8 [34kb]word icon Appendix B, Agenda Item 8 [28kb]

9. Urgent Business.

To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information.