Meeting documents

Development Management Committee
Wednesday 16th December, 2009

Agenda and Minutes

1. Apologies:

To receive apologies for absence.

2. Chairman's Announcements.

3. Declarations Of Interest.

4. Minutes:

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Wednesday word icon 18 November 2009 [250kb]

5. Report By Director Of Neighbourhood Services: word icon Planning Applications and Unauthorised Development for consideration by the Committee. [43kb]word icon Essential Reference Paper B [81kb]

1. word icon 3/09/1405/OP [119kb]pdf icon 3/09/1405/OP (Plan) [49kb]– Demolition of 39 and 41 Haymeads Lane to provide access and residential development at land to the rear of 37-57 Haymeads Lane, Bishops Stortford for European Land Holdings Ltd.

2. word icon 3/09/1657/FP [93kb]pdf icon 3/09/1657/FP (Plan) [103kb]pdf icon 3/09/1657/FP (Plan) [54kb]– Demolition of the existing chicken farm buildings and associated agricultural bungalow and construction of five detached houses together with a terrace of three affordable dwellings at Two Acres, Barkway Road, Anstey, SG9 0BN for Mr M Hart.

3. word icon 3/09/1561/FP [65kb]pdf icon 3/09/1561/FP (Plan) [250kb]- Installation of 6 additional loading doors with associated modification to car parking and landscaping at former Commatech site, John Tate Road, Hertford, SG13 7LB for Standard Life Investments.

4. word icon 3/09/1189/FP [83kb]pdf icon 3/09/1189/FP (Plan) [205kb]– Change of use of former lime works buildings to use associated with nearby animal rescue sanctuary and formation of staff and visitors parking area off existing site access at The Old Lime Works, Farnham Road, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM23 1JD for The Animal Rescue Charity.

5. word icon 3/09/1701/OP [76kb]pdf icon 3/09/1701/OP (Plan) [233kb]- Access to the site from Spellbrook Lane East via a new vehicular foot bridge with related hard standing , fencing and a gate at Thorley Flood Pound SSSI, Spellbrook Lane East, Spellbrook, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM22 7SE for the Environment Agency.

6. word icon 3/09/1598/FP [61kb]pdf icon 3/09/1598/FP (Plan) [36kb]- The erection of a granite memorial at Land adjacent to Andersons Lane, Great Hormead, Hertfordshire for Mr Abbey.

7. word icon 3/09/1593/FP [80kb]pdf icon 3/09/1593/FP (Plan) [129kb]- Replacement two storey dwelling with basement at 86 Bramfield Road, Datchworth, SG3 6SA for Mr D Lucas.

8. word icon 3/09/0702/FP [36kb]pdf icon 3/09/0702/FP (Plan) [178kb]word icon Appendix A [56kb]– Two storey rear extension at 56 Salters, Bishop's Stortford for Mr Nigel Emery.

9. word icon a) 3/09/1430/LB and b) 3/09/1431/AD [85kb]pdf icon a) 3/09/1430/LB and b) 3/09/1431/AD (Plan) [186kb]word icon Appendix A [57kb]– Non-illuminated shop sign at 2 St. Andrew Street, Hertford, SG14 1JA for Miss Victoria Rex.

10. word icon E/08/0447/A [85kb]word icon E/08/0447/A (Plan) [85kb]– Unauthorised erection of a large umbrella roofed structure, with a logo advertisement and glass screens at the Host Bar, 4 The Corn Exchange, Market Square, Bishops Stortford, CM23 3UU.

11. word icon E/06/0487/A [85kb]word icon E/06/0487/A (Plan) [65kb]– Untidy condition of land and dwelling at 58 Maze Green Road, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 2PL.

12. word icon E/09/0426/B [62kb]pdf icon E/09/0426/B (Plan) [134kb]– Unauthorised change of material on the flat roof link extension to the rear of the listed dwelling at 7 Town Lane, Benington, SG2 7LA.

13. word icon E/09/0184/A [61kb]pdf icon E/09/0184/A (Plan) [159kb]– Unauthorised display of advertisements at Barlicious, 55 South Street, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM23 3AL.

14. word icon 3/09/1282/FP [184kb]pdf icon 3/09/1282/FP (Plan) [154kb]- 2 no. rear extensions to storage areas of 251 sqm and 100 sqm with associated internal re-configuration to create additional 588 sqm sales area at Tesco Store, Ware Road, Hertford, SG14 1QA for Tesco Stores Ltd.

6. Report by Director of Internal Services: word icon Planning Obligations under Section 106 of the Town And Country Planning Act 1990 [60kb]word icon Essential Reference Paper B [58kb]

7. Items For Report And Noting:

(A) word icon Appeals against refusal of Planning Permission/ non determination [97kb]pdf icon Essential Reference Paper A [2Mb]pdf icon Essential Reference Paper A continued [309kb]

(B) word icon Planning Appeals Lodged [41kb]

(C) word icon Planning Appeals: Inquiry and Informal Hearing Dates [27kb]

(D) excel icon Planning Statistics [20kb]

8. Urgent Business

To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information.