Meeting documents

Development Management Committee
Wednesday 14th January, 2009

Agenda and Minutes

1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence.

2. Chairman's Announcements

3. Declarations Of Interest

4. Minutes
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on word icon 17 December 2008 [241kb]

5. Report By Director Of Neighbourhood Services-word icon Planning Applications and Unauthorised Development for consideration by the Committee [36kb]word icon Appendix A, Agenda Item 5 [72kb]

1. word icon 3/08/0889/FP [320kb]pdf icon 3/08/0889/FP - Plan [136kb]– 3 no. wind turbines of up to 119m in height, a permanent meteorological mast, substation, access tracks and ancillary infrastructure at Land east of Walkern Road and north and west of High Elms Lane, Benington for R H Bott and Son.

2. (a) word icon 3/08/1528/FP, 3/08/1529/LB and 3/08/1530/LC [315kb]pdf icon 3/08/1528/FP, 3/08/1529/LB and 3/08/1530/LC - Plan [178kb]– Mixed use redevelopment of part of the McMullen's Brewery site, comprising a foodstore and conversion of the former brewery building to provide elements of the foodstore, including cafe, offices and commercial space, community space, associated car parking and landscaping, riverside walk, re-naturalisation of river bank, bridge link to town centre, re-routing of Hartham Lane and associated provision of new access and servicing points, amended design and additional information.

(b) Alterations to listed building to accommodate ancillary elements of the proposed foodstore, business/office space and community space, including an interpretation centre.

(c ) Demolition of buildings including lager building, former derelict public house and former derelict cottages and truncation of warehouse in Conservation Area to allow for comprehensive redevelopment at McMullen's Brewery Site, Hartham Lane, Hertford, Herts for Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd.

3. word icon 3/08/1752/FP [85kb]pdf icon 3/08/1752/FP - Plan [56kb]– Erection of New Detached Stable Block and manège at Land at Cautherly Lane, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire for Mr Martin Berry.

4. word icon 3/08/2032/SV [71kb]pdf icon 3/08/2032/SV - Plan [43kb]– Modification to Clause 1.1 of Schedule 3 and Annexe C Paragraph 2.1 of the Section 106 agreement relating to application 3/07/2516/FP, to delete reference to 'Design and Quality Standards' at Land adjacent to Yew Tree Public House, High Street, Walkern, for Riversmead Housing Association.

5. word icon 3/08/1854/FP [101kb]pdf icon 3/08/1854/FP - Plan [38kb]– Erection of 2 detached, 4 bedroom dwellings at Bonks Hill House, Bonks Hill, Sawbridgeworth for Mr O Hookway.

6. word icon 3/08/1908/FP [62kb]pdf icon 3/08/1908/FP - Plan [31kb]– Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling at Chase House, Perry Green for Mr and Mrs Pope.

7. word icon 3/08/1100/FP [104kb]pdf icon 3/08/1100/FP - Plan [76kb]– Use of land as a private Gypsy caravan site (Total of 5 mobile homes and 1 touring caravan) at The Stables, Bayford Lane, Hertford for Mr J Robb.

8. a) word icon 3/08/1944/FP and 3/08/1945/LB [81kb]pdf icon 3/08/1944/FP and 3/08/1945/LB - Plan [32kb]– Amendment to LPA reference 3/08/1133/FP involving alterations to the previously approved extensions and alterations; and b)Amendment to LPA reference 3/08/1134/LB involving alterations to the previously approved extensions at 17 Church End, Braughing for Mrs R Cheswright.

9. word icon E/08/0501/A [79kb]pdf icon E/08/0501/A [28kb]- The unauthorised storage of material on land at the rear of Barleycroft Works, Barleycroft End, Furneux Pelham, Herts, SG9 0LL.

10. word icon E/08/0364/B [48kb]pdf icon E/08/0364/B - Plan [69kb]– Unauthorised change of use from single family dwelling house to a 9 bedroom dwelling in multiple occupation at 35 Clements Street, Ware, Herts, SG12 7AG.

11. word icon 3/08/1823/FP [119kb]pdf icon 3/08/1823/FP - Plan [124kb]– Demolition of existing retail and commercial premises, construction of 103 bed hotel with retail use to ground floor including ancillary works and car parking at 71-77, South Street, Bishop's Stortford.

6. Items For Report And Noting.

(A) word icon Appeals against refusal of Planning Permission/ non determination [29kb]pdf icon Appendix A, Agenda Item 6 [25kb]

(B) word icon Planning Appeals Lodged [37kb]

(C) word icon Planning Appeals: Inquiry and Informal Hearing Dates [37kb]

(D) excel icon Planning Statistics [20kb]

7. Urgent Business
To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information.