Meeting documents

Development Management Committee
Wednesday 10th February, 2010


1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence.

2. Chairman's Announcements

3. Declarations of Interest

4. Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on word icon 13 January 2010 [264kb].

5. Report by Director of Neighbourhood Services

A. word icon 3/09/1370/FP [153kb]pdf icon Plan [156kb]pdf icon Appeal Decision [167kb]– Erection of 17 dwellings including 6 affordable units, new road junction, landscaping and associated works at land south of Gravelly Lane, Braughing for Landro Ltd. 

B. pdf icon 3/09/1620/FP [41kb]pdf icon 3/09/1620/FP (Plan) [158kb]– Redevelopment of site to provide two one-bedroom flats, four two-bedroom flats, six two-bedroom houses and nine three-bedroom houses (twenty-one total units) with new access and associated units at Beacon Court, Rushen Drive, Hertford Heath for Network Housing Group - WITHDRAWN. 

C. pdf icon 3/09/1878/FP [31kb]pdf icon 3/09/1878/FP - Plan [147kb]- Extension to existing building to provide café, tea rooms, kitchen, store and porch at Pearces Farm Shop, Standon, Buntingford for A.C. Pearce and Sons. 

D. pdf icon 3/09/1884/FP [58kb]pdf icon 3/09/1884/RP - Plan [229kb]- Erection of 40 dwellings and associated details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale at Land east of Millfields and Lawrence Avenue, Sawbridgeworth for Barratt Homes.

E. pdf icon 3/09/1521/FP [26kb]pdf icon 3/09/1521/FP (Plan) [195kb]- Create groom's living accommodation in roof space of existing stables building and erect 4 no. new loose boxes, hay store and tack room at Tudor Manor, White Stubbs Lane, Bayford, SG13 8QA for Mr. T. Wedge.

F. pdf icon 3/09/1753/FO [14kb]pdf icon 3/09/1753/FO (Plan) [215kb]- Variation of condition 10 of LPA ref 3/08/0884/FP to combine plots 87 and 90 into one single dwelling at Area A, Balls Park, Hertford, for Explore Living Plc.

G. pdf icon 3/09/1937/FP [16kb]pdf icon 3/09/1937/FP - Plan [151kb]- Variation of Condition 5 of permission 3/05/0316/FP - to allow 10 no. HGV movements over Spencer Street for a 3 day period (dates to be agreed) to remove containers at TXU Site, Mead Lane, Hertford for Weston Homes Plc.

H. a) pdf icon 3/09/1892/FP and 3/09/1893/LB [38kb]pdf icon 3/09/1892/FP and 3/09/1893/LB (Plan) [156kb]– Conversion of existing building to 12 residential units (amended scheme); and

b) 3/09/1893/LB – Conversion of existing listed Maltings building to 12 residential units (amended scheme) at 16 New Road Ware SG12 7BS for Goldstage Ltd.

I. pdf icon 3/09/1849/SV [24kb]pdf icon 3/09/1849/SV (Plan) [151kb]– Modify Section 106 agreement to planning permission LPA ref: 3/96/0813/FP to remove the clause restricting the age of occupancy to that of persons of at least 55 years, at 15 Finches End, Walkern for Sandie Brent.

J. pdf icon 3/09/1930/SV [19kb]pdf icon 3/09/1930/SV - Plan [161kb]- Removal of financial obligations as set out within the S106 agreement relating to LPA reference 3/07/2607/FP at Emery House, 3 Chantry Road, Bishops Stortford for The Door London Ltd.

K. pdf icon 3/09/1770/OP [23kb]pdf icon 3/09/1770/OP (Plan) [156kb]- Erection of dwelling within garden at 22 Myddleton Road, Ware, SG12 9JT for Mr. Brian Donoghue.

L. pdf icon 3/09/1856/FP [23kb]pdf icon 3/09/1856/FP (Plan) [183kb]- Change of use to 7 bedroom House of Multiple Occupation at 35 Clements Street, Ware, SG12 7AG for Mr. Bancroft.

M. word icon 3/09/1993/FP [85kb]pdf icon 3/09/1993/FP (Plan) [197kb]– Single Storey Garden Room at Greenlands, Wood End, Ardeley SG2 7AZ for Mr and Mrs Robert Jameson.

N. word icon E/09/0152/B [61kb]pdf icon E/09/0152/B (Plan) [137kb]– Unauthorised erection of fence and change of use of amenity land to residential curtilage at the rear of 12 Harebell Close, Hertford,
SG13 7TF.

O. word icon E/09/0305/A [58kb]pdf icon E/09/0305/A (Plan) [133kb]– Unauthorised erection of new single storey garage at 17 Holland's Croft, Hunsdon, Ware, Herts, SG12 8NR.

6. Report by Director of Internal Services:word icon Planning Obligations Under Section 106 Of The Town And Country Planning Act 1990 - Update And Renewal Of Authority [77kb]

7. Report by Director of Neighbourhood Services:word icon Update On Enforcement Statistics And Authorised Action [58kb]excel icon Essential Reference Paper B [44kb]

8. Items for Report and Noting:

(A) word icon Appeals against refusal of Planning Permission/ non determination [66kb]

(B) word icon Planning Appeals Lodged [43kb]

(C) word icon Planning Appeals: Inquiry and Informal Hearing Dates [25kb]

(D) excel icon Planning Statistics [19kb]

9. Urgent Business

To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information.