Meeting documents

Development Management Committee
Wednesday 8th April, 2009

Agenda and Minutes

1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence.

2. Chairman's Announcements

3. Declarations Of Interest

4. Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Wednesday word icon 11 March 2009 [218kb](previously circulated as part of the Council Minute book for 25 March 2009).

5. Report By Director Of Neighbourhood Services

1. word icon 3/08/0682/FP [71kb]pdf icon 3/08/0682/FP (Plan) [40kb] – Retrospective application for the creation of a haul road and retention of road for access for maintenance and emergency vehicles to the hockey pitch at Bishop's Stortford College Playing Fields, Off Great Hadham Road, Bishop's Stortford, for Bishop's Stortford College.

2. word icon 3/08/2112/FP [88kb]pdf icon 3/08/2112/FP (Plan) [116kb] – Natural cemetery at Harwood Park Cemetery, off Watton Road, Stevenage for W. Austin and Sons Ltd.

3. word icon 3/09/0124/SV [78kb]pdf icon 3/09/0124/SV (Plan) [38kb] – Modify Section 106 agreement to planning permission lpa ref: 3/96/0813/FP to remove the clause restricting the age of occupancy to that of persons of at least 55 years, at 15 Finches End, Walkern for Mr W. Atkinson.

4. word icon 3/09/0118/FP [111kb]pdf icon 3/09/0118/FP (Plan) [38kb] – Redevelopment to provide 10 no. B1/B2/B8 Industrial/Warehouse units with associated offices, parking, servicing, landscaping and drainage at Units 1 - 8 Raynham Road Industrial Estate, Raynham Road, Bishops Stortford for Howard Stansted Limited.

5. word icon 3/09/0022/FP [69kb]pdf icon 3/09/0022/FP (Plan) [54kb] – Change of use from A1 (retail) to A5 (hot takeaway) and insertion of extractor flues at 51 Elizabeth Road, Bishop's Stortford for Mr Ramazan Yagiz.

6. word icon 3/09/0002/FP [94kb]pdf icon 3/09/0002/FP (Plan) [60kb] Erection of flood lit all weather pitch at the Plateau Pitch, Cricketfield Lane, Bishops Stortford for Bishop's Stortford Hockey Club.

7. word icon 3/09/0106/FP [70kb]pdf icon 3/09/0106/FP (Plan) [94kb] – Retrospective application for barn/storage with proposed cladding (alteration to design & layout to that approved under 3/82/0907/FP) at Edgewood Farm, Broxbourne Common for Mr. and Mrs. Feltham.

8. word icon E/06/0186/B (Plan) [83kb] – Unauthorised erection of a barn building and entrance gates at Edgewood Farm, Cock Lane, Broxbourne, Herts.

9. word icon 3/09/0053/SV [63kb]pdf icon 3/09/0053/SV (Plan) [34kb] – Variation to Section 52 Agreement to allow the annexe to be used as a separate dwelling at Channocks Farm, Channocks Lane, Gilston for Mr A Bickmore.

10. word icon 3/09/0027/FP [73kb]pdf icon 3/09/0027/FP (Plan) [69kb] – Change of use of redundant barn to a single residential unit at Home Farm, Youngsbury, Wadesmill for Mrs Janet Smith.

11. word icon E/08/0152/A [78kb]pdf icon E/08/0152/A (Plan) [41kb] – The erection of an unauthorised building at Christian Outreach Centre, Portland Road, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 3SL.

12. word icon E/07/0463/A [51kb]– Unauthorised change of use of land from agricultural to residential garden and erection of shed at land rear of The Old Post Office Cottage, Barleycroft, Furneux Pelham, SG9 0LL.

13. word icon 3/09/0229/FP [110kb]pdf icon 3/09/0229/FP (Plan) [85kb] – Erection of 2 detached, 4 bedroom dwellings at Bonks Hill House, Bonks Hill, SAWBRIDGEWORTH for Mr O Hookway.

6. Items For Report And Noting

(A) word icon Appeals against refusal of Planning Permission/non-determination [62kb]pdf icon Appendix A, Agenda Item 6 [1Mb]

(B) word icon Planning Appeals Lodged [38kb]

(C) word icon Planning Appeals: Inquiry and Informal Hearing Dates [40kb]

(D) excel icon Planning Statistics [19kb]

7. Urgent Business

To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information.

(a) 3/08/1268/FP - Redevelopment to provide new retail store, 54 residential units, a D1 community facility, A3 café, car parking, servicing, landscaping and associated ancillary development at Tesco, Ware Road, Hertford for Tesco Stores Ltd.

(b) 3/08/1528/FP – Mixed use redevelopment of part of the McMullens Brewery site, comprising new foodstore, conversion of former brewery building to provide elements of the foodstore, including café, offices and commercial space, community space, associated car parking, landscaping, riverside walk, re-naturalisation of river bank, bridge link to town centre, re-routing of Hartham Lane and associated provision of new access and servicing points at McMullens Brewery Site, Hartham Lane, Hertford, for Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd.

word icon 3/08/1268/FP and 3/08/1528/FP [75kb]