At its meeting of 18th January 2023, Council
approved the use of UKSPF funds to deliver the council’s
Cultural Strategy.
At the same meeting, Council delegated decision-making authority to
the Head of Housing and Health, acting in consultation with the
Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability, regarding
sustainability projects.
The works at the village halls have been identified in
decarbonisation assessments conducted by Utility Aid and will
contribute to lowering the carbon emissions of the halls.
Further work is to be undertaken by Jigsaw Power for the purpose of
supporting the technical, commercial, contractual and environmental
considerations of the East Herts Electric vehicle Charge Point
Operator Concession Contract Procurement.
Consultancy work to be funded to provide decarbonisation plans for
two leisure centres, Hartham and Grange Paddocks, providing a
pathway to further decarbonisation.
Provide further capacity for users to receive the Energy Saving
Trust e-Learning, in order to support Energy Hub volunteers.
Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health
Decision published: 28/01/2025
Effective from: 17/01/2025
Fund grants for four village halls to
contribute to carbon reduction works as identified in
decarbonisation plans previously supported by UKSPF-funded carbon
reduction assessments. The grants being:
-Parsonage Community Hall - lighting upgrade. £360.
-Braughing Old Boys School Community Centre – lighting
upgrade. £980.
-Nigel Copping – Lighting and smart thermostat -
Also, to fund the following sustainability project costs as part of
the UKSPF activities:
-Jigsaw Power- EV Consultancy. £5,370.
-SLM – Decarbonisation Plans for Hartham and Grange Paddocks
Leisure Centres - £7350
-Contract value extension on Energy Saving Trust e-Learning
training to allow a potential of 20 further users to access
training. Maximum value increase £600.
Lead officer: Jonathan Geall
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability
Decision published: 22/01/2025
Effective from: 07/02/2025
At its meeting of 18th January 2023, Council
approved the use of UKSPF funds to deliver the council’s
Cultural Strategy.
At the same meeting, Council delegated decision-making authority to
the Head of Housing and Health, acting in consultation with the
Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability, regarding
sustainability projects.
Although the council’s electricity is provided through a
carbon free electricity tariff, there is a case for exploring the
potential of generating its own renewal energy through the
installation of PV solar panels on the council's buildings in that
if installation were to go head, this could (a) reduce the call on
the national grid and (b) act as a ‘demonstrator
project’ for other organisations and residents.
To assess the feasibility of installation, in the first instance
the council wishes to assess the technical, financial and legal
feasibility of installing rooftop solar PV on at least ten council
owned buildings. The properties to be included in this feasibility
study will be determined via an initial consideration of all the
council’s asset by council officers and the consultant,
taking account of existing information and previous studies.
Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health
Decision published: 15/01/2025
Effective from: 15/01/2025
Commission Phil Whiting Consulting, an
independent energy and sustainability consultancy, to carry out a
study into the technical, financial and legal feasibility of
installing PV solar panels on ten properties within the
council’s estate at a cost of £9,760, funded from the
council’s allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Fund
Lead officer: Jonathan Geall