
Decisions taken by the Council, Executive, Committees, Executive Members and Officers can be viewed by using the filter options:

Decisions published

07/09/2023 - Lease Renewal, 14 Fleming Crescent, Hertford ref: 2624    Recommendations Approved

To renew the lease for an existing business tenancy and maintain and increase the revenue income for the Council.
The current tenant has requested that the new lease be in the name of his company, G. Pickett Butchers Ltd. A review of the last three years trading accounts suggests that the company will be able to meet the rental payments.
A yearly stepped rent arrangement has been agreed commencing at £8,000 pa in year one to £8,750 pa in year five.

Decision Maker: Head of Strategic Finance and Property

Decision published: 14/09/2023

Effective from: 07/09/2023


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property, acting under delegated authority in paragraph 10.13.16 of the Constitution has decided to grant a new 5 year lease 0f 14 Fleming Crescent, Hertford to G. Pickett Butchers Ltd, subject to annual tenant only break options and at an initial rent of £8,000 pa subject to further agreed annual increases.

Lead officer: Lucy Smith

05/09/2023 - UK Shared Prosperity Funding - Town Centre Improvements ref: 2625    Recommendations Approved

Council decision in January 2023 granted delegated authority to spend UKSPF funds on specific projects. This decision awards a proportion of those funds to specific organisations following consultation with the portfolio holder

Decision Maker: Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy

Decision published: 08/09/2023

Effective from: 05/09/2023


That the following amounts, totalling £59,072, are allocated as grant payments:

• £21,198 to Albury Parish Council for improvements to their village hall facilities
• £10,717 to Albury Parish Council for improvements to the football club facilities
• £18,000 to Hertford Heath Parish Council for improvements to the village green
• £9,157 to Little Berkhamsted Parish Council for improvements to their village hall

Lead officer: Ben Wood

27/09/2023 - Harlow and Gilston Garden Town – Green Infrastructure Framework (NKD23/17) ref: 2626    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision published: 08/09/2023

Effective from: 05/10/2023

Wards affected: Hunsdon;

Lead officer: Kevin Steptoe

05/09/2023 - Castle Park Improvement Project –match funding contribution via optioned sale of final community centre ref: 2623    For Determination

The Castle Park project within the Council’s capital programme is delivering improvements to the areas known as Sworder’s Field and Waytemore Castle Gardens. The partnership work with stakeholders including Bishop’s Stortford Council and the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) means that the project has been funded through a variety of organisations including East Herts District Council. Additional funds have been raised after cost increases relating to the Pandemic and Brexit following significant increase in materials and construction costs and then an unforeseen subsidence issue. A solution was agreed to secure the funding gap by selling some
assets (Community centres) to one of the partner organisations, Bishop’s Stortford Town Council as part of an Options Agreement. The last of three community centres is now due to be sold. Capital receipts are required from this sale to secure the final stages of the project after further additional costs relating to unexpected archaeology, deterioration of a repurposed building and environmental pressures.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 05/09/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 06/09/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023


That (A) the sale of St Michael’s Mead community centre pending trigger by BSTC as defined by the Options Agreement be agreed;


(B)  £125,000 of the capital receipt from the sale of St Michael’s Mead community centre contributes to the funding gap for the Castle Park project; and


(C) the option sum of £15,000 and £30,000 (deduction in liabilities) is deducted from the sale of this last remaining centre at time of purchase

Wards affected: Bishop's Stortford North; Bishop's Stortford Parsonage;

Lead officer: Ian Sharratt

05/09/2023 - Fit and Proper Persons Determination Policy for Mobile Homes Sites ref: 2622    For Determination

Changes to the legislation regulating mobile homes sites require that all sites are now run by someone who has passed a "fit and proper" person check. This report seeks approval for this policy, detailing the checks which will be made and the fees charged.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 05/09/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 06/09/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023


That (A) the ‘Fit and Proper Persons Determination Policy for Mobile Homes Sites’ be approved;


(B) the structure for charging set out in section 13 of the ‘Fit and Proper Persons Determination Policy for Mobile Homes Sites’ be approved;


(C) the application fee of £180 for the assessment of the fit and proper persons check and inclusion on the fit and proper persons register, subject to an annual increase in line with the council’s fees and charges strategy be approved;


(D) the ‘appointment of a manager’ fee of £51 per hour or part thereof, plus the employment cost of the manager (including agency fees if applicable), subject to an annual increase in line with the council’s fees and charges strategy be approved; and


(E) authority to make minor amendments to the policy be delegated to the Head of Housing and Health in consultation with the Executive Member for Wellbeing.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Thomas-Jones