Agenda and minutes

District Planning Executive Panel - Thursday 23rd September, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford. View directions

Contact: Linda Bevan  (01279) 502175

No. Item


Strategic Housing Market Assessment - Viability Assessment for London Computer Belt (East)/M11 Sub Region - Final report (August 2010) pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Members for Planning Policy and Transport and Housing and Health submitted a joint report on the final Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) Viability Assessment undertaken on behalf of the London Commuter Belt (East/M11) Sub-region by consultants.


The SHMA assessed current and future housing demand and need and how distribution of this varied across the plan area.  It would inform decisions relating to the provision of affordable housing.  Further technical work had been undertaken to assess the viability of the SHMA recommendations with the help of Government funding.  This would set the framework for detailed testing of specific sites, as part of the Council’s housing trajectory and Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).  This would also help to ensure that the policies in the Council’s Local Development Framework (LDF) were as robust as possible and worked to maximise the deliverability of all housing including affordable housing.


The methodology of the viability assessment was explained in the report.  It was based on a residual land value model which was recognised practice in the development industry.  The SHMA recommended affordable housing requirements and these had been tested as part of the assessment using various tenure mixes.


Members commented on the complexity of the system and the difficulty of explaining it to the public.  Officers emphasised that the work was essential to back up policies in the LDF.  Results would need to be monitored which would use significant resources.  Training would be needed for Officers and Members on the system.


The Panel decided to recommend to the Executive that the assessment be agreed as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED - that the Strategic Housing Market Assessment – Viability Assessment for London Commuter Belt (East)/M11 Sub Region – (August 2010) be agreed and published as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base to inform and support the Local Development Framework (LDF), and for planning policy and housing strategy purposes.


East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment (July 2010) pdf icon PDF 40 KB


The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport submitted a report on the Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment.  Agreement was sought to use the strategy and assessment as a technical document to support the evidence base of the LDF.


A presentation was given on the strategy and assessment  and an executive summary was circulated at the meeting.


It was explained that the assessment contained the national and local context for sports, methodology of the assessment, and quantity and quality of outdoor sports areas and education provision.  Facilities were needed for junior football  in particular.


The strategy set out a series of strategies for dealing with the issues raised in the assessment and contained a series of action plans.


Members commented on the need for better outdoor facilities coordinated with indoor facilities and the use of East Herts facilities by people from outside the District.


The Panel decided to recommend to the Executive that the strategy and assessment be agreed as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that the East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment – July 2010 be agreed and published:


(A)      as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base, to inform and support the East Herts Local Development Framework;


(B)      as a basis for informing future Development Control decisions concerning development which affects playing pitches and outdoor sports facilities; and


(C)      as a basis for informing the Sports and Active Recreation Facilities Strategy (part of the Facilities Improvement Scheme) and any Action Plans contained therein.


Hertfordshire Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Technical Study (July 2010) pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport submitted a report on the completion of the Hertfordshire renewable and low carbon energy technical study.  The study provided a technical evidence base in respect of CO2 emissions and energy provisions which would assist in the formulation of climate change policies in the LDF Core Strategy.


The study had been produced by consultants for ten authorities in Hertfordshire.  The first stage of the study (which had been reported to the Panel previously) had revealed issues which needed to be addressed in the second stage.  Further recommendations were emerging from the first stage and were under discussion by Officers.


The revocation of the East of England Plan had left a policy vacuum in respect of energy and climate change.  The study would provide a basis for a replacement local policy in the LDF.  The role of planning was to identify energy and climatic opportunities and set out policies designed to support action and delivery.


The study explained that local policy would be needed in gearing the housing industry and supply chain to meet the zero carbon homes policy.  It examined more efficient ways of generating and delivering heat and gave theoretical figures for opportunities for renewable and low carbon technologies.


The Chairman commented on the huge challenge presented by this area of planning policy.


The Panel decided to recommend to the Executive that the study be agreed as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED - that the Hertfordshire Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Technical Study (July 2010) be agreed and published as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base, to inform and support the East Herts Local Development Framework.


Local Development Framework Evidence Base - Technical Studies 2009/10 and 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport submitted a report updating the Panel on evidence base related studies for 2009/10 and seeking agreement to those for 2010/11.


It was reported that one of the key aims of the planning system was that documents should be founded on a robust and credible evidence base.  This should be based on background or technical studies/assessments which could be used to inform and justify planning policies.  Details of the Council’s studies were given.  The Panel was also asked to give authority to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport, to approve any other relevant studies deemed appropriate within the limits of the 2010/11 Planning Policy/LDF budgets.


The Chairman commented on the good progress made on these studies.


The Panel decided to recommend to the Executive that the studies be agreed as detailed below.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) it be noted that the technical studies listed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report now submitted, which are due for completion, already underway or proposed to be undertaken during 2010/11, contribute to the Local Development Framework Evidence Base;


(B)      the technical studies referred in (A) above be completed or undertaken by means of:


(i)                    seeking competitive quotes or tenders, as appropriate, to engage consultants, with the costs being met from the 2010/11 Planning Policy/Local Development Framework budgets for such purposes; and/or


(ii)       partnership working where appropriate, with neighbouring authorities and other relevant partners; and


(C)      the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport, be given authority to approve funding, within the limits of the 2010/11 Planning Policy/Local Development Framework budgets, for such other relevant planning policy studies, as may be deemed appropriate.



To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 27 May 2010 (previously circulated with Executive agenda for 5 July 2010)


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Panel meeting held on 27 May 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.