Issue - meetings

Planning Enforcement

Meeting: 20/02/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 369)

369 Planning Enforcement: Update pdf icon PDF 63 KB

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The Director, Helen Standen submitted an update on the Action Plan in relation to the Council’s Planning Enforcement Service.  She provided a summary of the background and explained that only one case remained with LSR (Planning Consultants) with all cases either resolved fully or returned at the Council’s request for follow up action to be taken.  An update was provided in relation to Esbies.


Councillor K Crofter referred to an email he had received from Ardeley Parish Council and an enforcement issue regarding retrospective planning approval.  He expressed his concern at the lack of communication on the matter.  The Enforcement Officer explained that he had updated the Parish Council on the progress made.  He conceded that communication could have been better. 


Members debated at length a request that they be forwarded a list of enforcement cases within their respective wards.  The Head of the Planning and Building Control explained that the Council would need to take a cautious approach in this regard as some information was data sensitive and may not in the public area.  As such releasing personal information may be a breach of current data protection legislation and GDPR legislation effective from 1 May 2018.  He agreed to seek advice from the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and would provide what information he could as and when that advice had been received.


The Committee noted the report and the approach to be taken.


          RESOLVED – that (A) the progress made be noted;


          (B)     the Head of Planning and Building Control seek advice from the Head of Legal and Democratic Services on a     request by Members, to be circulated with enforcement case       information on a ward basis.