Issue - meetings

Update from Executive Member for Economic Development

Meeting: 20/02/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 366)

Update from Executive Member for Economic Development

The Executive Member will provide Members with a Presentation on his Portfolio.


Councillor G Jones the Executive Member for Economic Development, gave a presentation summarising his portfolio which covered


·        Economic development (from the viewpoint of a business friendly Council, enabling entrepreneurs and business start ups, supporting the rural economy, facilitating vibrant Town Centres, supporting the visitor economy and lobbying for the right supporting infrastructures.

·        Parking, (in relation to car parks, Residents’ Parking Z and Enforcement issues)

·      Transport (sustainability, supporting the community and strategic consultation)

The Executive Member provided a summary of work in relation to projects which had been reported to the Executive between the period October 2015 and February 2018.


Councillor N Symonds referred to her concerns about Parking Enforcement and tickets issued to the elderly.  The Executive Member acknowledged her concerns adding that tickets were issued if regulations had not been observed and of the possibility of appealing in genuine cases.  He referred to the abuses of who did occur in relation to Blue Badge cases.


Councillor Mrs D Hollebon referred to single yellow lines regardless in relation to dropped kerbs as this was a source of confusion to some.  The Executive Member undertook to raise this matter with Hertfordshire County Council.


Councillor B Deering sought an update in relation to the progress of “Launch Pad” and Residents’ Parking Zones.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy explained the initial support given to small time business users of Launch Pad and that this would be reviewed in 12 months’ time.


The Executive Member explained the problems caused by Residents’ Parking Zones in terms of displacing parking problems  and of the need to introduce a scheme of wide-ranging consultation before any other such schemes were considered.  He referred to the possibility of using Section 106 monies to address issued caused by displaced parking caused by RPZs.



Councillor G Cutting referred to abuses of Blue Badge parking particularly in Bishop’s Stortford.   The Executive Member explained the difficulties in relation to taking action against such abuses which included the need to have the driver present. 


Councillor M Stevenson sought and was provided with clarification on the issue of lobbying for the right infrastructure.  The Executive Member cited fast Broadband in rural areas as an example.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy commented that infrastructure had a direct link with the Council’s District Plan and making sure developers provided what was needed to support their proposals in terms of utilities.


Councillor H Drake was concerned about reviewing Launch Pad users position in 12 months’ time adding that it was the first 18-24 months which were critical to new businesses in terms of their survival.  She sought and was provided with clarification on Sunday parking and enforcement issues in relation to parking at Grange Paddocks in Bishop’s Stortford. The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy explained the situation would be reviewed in 12 months’ time when there would be a further report to Members and if successful, additional  funding would be sought for an extension of the “Launch Pad” programme. 



Members thanked the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 366