Meeting documents

Joint Meeting of Scrutiny Committees
Tuesday 1st June, 2010


1. Appointment of Chairman

2. Chairman's Announcements

3. Declarations of Interest
To receive any Members' declarations of interest and party whip arrangements.

4. Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.

5. Minutes
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on pdf icon 16 February 2010 [28kb].

6. pdf icon 2009/10 End of Year Service Planning Report [124kb]

7. pdf icon Report on the six monthly progress against the All Survey action plan [103kb]

8. pdf icon 2009/10 Performance Outturns [290kb], pdf icon Monthly Corporate Healthcheck [135kb], pdf icon Joint Scrutiny Corporate Healthcheck [452kb],pdf icon Capital Expenditure Monitoring [29kb], pdf icon Summary of Previously Reported Variances [124kb],

9. Urgent Business
To consider such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the  meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration and is not likely to  involve the disclosure of exempt information