
Decisions taken by the Council, Executive, Committees, Executive Members and Officers can be viewed by using the filter options:

Decisions published

22/04/2024 - Authorisation to enter into a Lease of Easement with Hertfordshire County Council, to permit access to drainage in connection with Northgate End Multistorey Car Park, Bishop’s Stortford. ref: 2683    Recommendations Approved

To permit access to drainage from Northgate End Car Park across land owned by Hertfordshire County Council.

Decision Maker: Head of Strategic Finance and Property

Decision published: 22/04/2024

Effective from: 22/04/2024


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property, acting under delegated authority under paragraph 10.13.16 of the Council’s Constitution and under express delegation made by Council at its Extraordinary Meeting on 18th March 2021, has decided: to enter into a Lease of Easement with Hertfordshire County Council to permit access to drainage in connection with Northgate End Multistorey Car Park; and to authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to sign said Lease of Easement under the common seal of the council.

Lead officer: Steven Linnett

22/04/2024 - Authorisation to enter into a Licence, granted by Hertfordshire County Council, to permit an Emergency Access route from Northgate End Multistorey Car Park ref: 2682    Recommendations Approved

To permit an emergency exit route from Northgate End Car Park across land owned by Hertfordshire County Council.

Decision Maker: Head of Strategic Finance and Property

Decision published: 22/04/2024

Effective from: 22/04/2024


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property, acting under delegated authority under paragraph 10.13.16 of the Council’s Constitution and under express delegation made by Council at its Extraordinary Meeting on 18th March 2021, has decided: to enter into a Licence with Hertfordshire County Council to permit an Emergency Access route from Northgate End Multistorey Car Park over the County Council’s land; and to authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to sign said Licence under the common seal of the council.

Lead officer: Steven Linnett

19/04/2024 - Delegation, from the Head of Housing and Health to the Service Manager – Environmental Health, of the authority of to make certain operational decisions relating to Environmental Health. ref: 2681    Recommendations Approved

This decision has been made to enable operational decision-making authority relating to certain Environmental Health function to be enacted at the most appropriate level within the organisation so as to effect swift authorisation of officers, decision-making and enforcement actions.

Acting under authority within section 10.1.4 of the council’s Constitution “to further delegate in writing all or any of the delegated functions to other officers (described by name or post) either fully or under the general supervision and control of the delegating officers”, to delegate the following powers delegated to the Head of Housing and Health, subject to limitations on the use of these powers by the Head of Housing and Health arising elsewhere in section 10 of the council’s Constitution:

1) section powers (a) to (g) in relation to legal action as they relate specifically and solely to Environmental Health functions, namely:
“(a) authorise, appoint or nominate Officers;
“(b) investigate, prosecute, enforce, lay summons, require individuals to disclose information;
“(c) serve requisitions for information, publish information, apply to a court, sign notices, issue, serve, vary, revoke and publish notices and orders, including fixed penalty notices and serve documents;
“(d) make prohibition orders, suspend or vary a prohibition order;
“(e) take emergency remedial action, carry out works in default, issue certificates, issue consents, issue licences, issue permits, refuse vary or revoke licensing applications or licences or consents;
“(f) issue temporary exemption notices, obtain, introduce, operate, amend extend, vary and revoke orders; and
“(g) impose conditions, introduce and maintain registers, exercise powers of entry without force, apply for a warrant and in relation to land relevant to the service functions to note applications for licences, planning, consent and approvals, declarations and grants except as specifically detailed in the delegations below”

2) section 10.16.14 “to apply the powers and duties of enforcement afforded to a District Council in all legislation relating to … Environmental Health matters”

3) section 10.16.15 “to authenticate on the council’s behalf any notice, certificate or other document required to apply any power or duty afforded to a District Council in legislation relating to … Environmental Health unless reserved for determination by another body of the Council”

4) section 10.16.16 “to exercise the powers of the council as registration authority including the issue, renewal, transfer or variation of all licences, consents and registrations set out in legislation pertaining to … Environmental Health matters unless in the case of contested matters reserved for determination by another body of the Council”

5) section 10.16.17 “to authorise suitably qualified and experienced officers to act as inspectors and serve and sign in their own name all notices and enforcement instruments as related to the powers and duties afforded to District Councils in … Environmental Health legislation”

6) section 10.16.18 “to appoint and instruct veterinary surgeons to act on behalf of the council”

7) section 10.16.20 “to endorse any agreed transfers of enforcement responsibility for any particular premises, or parts of premises, or any particular activities carried on in them, from the Health and Safety Executive to the council, or vice versa”

8) section 10.16.30 “to submit monitoring returns to government departments, regulatory bodies and others”.

Decision Maker: Head of Housing and Health

Decision published: 19/04/2024

Effective from: 19/04/2024


Delegation to Paul Thomas-Jones, Service Manager – Environmental Health, of the Head of Housing and Health’s powers, subject to limitations on the use of these powers arising elsewhere in section 10 of the council’s Constitution, listed under the following paragraphs of the Constitution; (a) to (g) in relation to legal action as they relate specifically and solely to Environmental Health functions, 10.16.14 – 18 inclusive, 10.16.20 and 10.16.30.

Lead officer: Jonathan Geall

24/04/2024 - Collection of Soft Plastics from Kerbside Collections (NKD24/06) ref: 2684    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability

Decision published: 12/04/2024

Effective from: 02/05/2024

Wards affected: Sawbridgeworth;

Lead officer: Chloe Hipwood