
Decisions taken by the Council, Executive, Committees, Executive Members and Officers can be viewed by using the filter options:

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Authorisation to enter into a Lease of Easement with Hertfordshire County Council, to permit access to drainage in connection with Northgate End Multistorey Car Park, Bishop’s Stortford. ref: 268322/04/202422/04/2024Not for call-in
Authorisation to enter into a Licence, granted by Hertfordshire County Council, to permit an Emergency Access route from Northgate End Multistorey Car Park ref: 268222/04/202422/04/2024Not for call-in
Delegation, from the Head of Housing and Health to the Service Manager – Environmental Health, of the authority of to make certain operational decisions relating to Environmental Health. ref: 268119/04/202419/04/2024Not for call-in
Collection of Soft Plastics from Kerbside Collections (NKD24/06) ref: 268424/04/202402/05/2024Call-in expired