Issue - decisions

Policy for Enforcing Standards for Private Sector Landlords

05/11/2020 - Policy for Enforcing Standards for Private Sector Landlords

The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods proposed the recommendation made by the Executive, as referred to in the Executive report of 6 October 2020, in respect of new housing standards enforcement powers. The measures, which had been developed with other local authorities, would help improve housing standards and would provide for civil penalties to be imposed in a consistent way. He proposed a motion to support the recommendation.


Councillor Symonds said these measures had been anticipated for a considerable time. She seconded the motion.


Councillor Goldspink said the Liberal Democrat Group supported the policy, but she questioned what would happen to tenants affected by banning orders. She asked whether a small amendment could be made to ensure the Council confirmed it would be alert to the needs of tenants.


Councillor Redfern supported Councillor Goldspink’s comments.


Councillor Boylan said he took note of the point raised, but that there was no need for an amendment, as Officers would take all due consideration required in applying the policies.


The motion to support the proposal having been proposed and seconded, it was put to the meeting. Upon a vote being taken, it was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the following policies relating to housing standards enforcement, using powers introduced in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 be adopted, as set out in Appendix C to the report submitted to the Executive on 6 October 2020:

(1)        Issuing of civil penalties;

(2)        Applications for rent repayment orders;

(3)        Applications for banning orders; and

(4)        Use of the Rogue Landlords and Property Agents Database.