Issue - decisions

Issues Arising from Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee

10/10/2019 - Update from Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee

Councillor M Pope submitted a report from the last meeting of the Performance, Audit and Governance Oversight Committee. 


Councillor L Haysey commented on the useful discussion the Committee had on the section 106 work.  She said monitoring section 106 funds and expenditure was extremely complex, and the Officer now responsible should be congratulated for her excellent work. Councillor M Pope supported this commendation. 


Councillor A Curtis asked whether the Executive would reiterate its commitment to ensuring that the good work of monitoring section 106 monies continued, to ensure the Council was doing its best for residents in light of the District Plan implementation.  Councillor L Haysey concurred. 


Councillor G Williamson proposed, and Councillor G Cutting seconded, a motion to support the recommendation detailed.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED. 


RESOLVED – to note the report of the Chairman of the Committee.